


12 Companies Leading The Way In Double Pushchair

Which Lightweight Shop Double Pushchairs for Twins and Siblings Pushchair Should You Buy?

A lightweight double stroller - Www.pushchairsandprams.Uk - double pushchair is easy to get around, particularly for families with children of different ages. They are easy to fold, steer and transport up and over stairs.

This City Mini GT2 offers side-by-side seats with plenty of legroom with adjustable reclining, as well as huge UPF 50+ canopies with peekaboo windows. It also has a clever frame that can be expanded to accommodate a second car seat and a compatible car seat(s).


The majority of lightweight double pushchairs we've test are side-byside models and are generally recommended for children who can sit up on their own, as these models tend to be lacking car seat integration. The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double and the Baby Trend Sit 'N Stand Double, are both excellent choices. They offer recline adjustments for both seats, a large canopy, and padded five-point safety harnesses. They are also simple to maneuver despite their larger footprint. They are ideal for parents who worry about getting through doors.

The Cybex Duet is a little different due to its clever frame that expands widthways to add another seat, making it smaller than the majority of other pushchairs that are side-by-side on the market. It is able to pass through doors that are standard and is easy to maneuver in public transport. It's also a jogger, which is great if you want to use it with a baby carrier or infant car seat. It's available in a variety of exciting colors.

The UPPAbaby Vista v2 double is another great side-by-side, lightweight double. It provides additional flexibility due to a modular frame. It's a clever design that allows you to transform it into a single buggy or a double by incorporating 2 carrycots or car seats (it can even accommodate twins). It's a great option for families that are growing and the UPPAbaby makes one of the tiniest and most fashionable umbrella strollers around.

If you prefer a more compact lightweight double, try the egg2 which folds to the size of a small suitcase. It can be used either as a double or a single by adding two carrycots or baby car seats. Our home testers were impressed with how easy it was to move around, even with a full load of kids.

Double pushchairs with side-by-side seating aren't foolproof however -- if your children are the same age or stage, they may still fight over who is allowed to ride in which seat. If they're at different heights, a tandem style may be ideal for them as it allows them to face eachother.


While side-by-side models are more suitable for siblings who are the same age tandem pushchairs are light and lightweight, and are a different kind of pushchair with their own appeal. They can take a bigger car seat, and some even have seats that can be reversible or a carrycot in the middle. They tend to be more spacious and easier to access and exit from the baskets, though they are usually smaller than those on single buggies. Many feature larger canopies as well as peekaboo windows, and even padding for the leg cushions.

The iCandy Peach tandem is another excellent example of a light tandem that provides excellent value. The fabric is a bit less luxurious than those of some of our top-rated doubles. However, it looks stunning and is easy to use. One of the most impressive aspects about it is the one-handed fold - although it requires practice, Kirstie in our Lab declared it to be "genius". The carrycot cannot be folded while it is attached. However, the process to attach and remove the carrycot is easy and quick.

Tandem lightweight double strollers will typically have tighter turning capabilities than side-by-side models. However, they may be difficult to navigate on uneven surfaces and curbs. They are also slow to speed up and are heavier to move, which could result in stress on your back.

A convertible double buggy is a different alternative. It is initially an individual, but you can add adapters to make it double. It can have an additional seat or carrycot on the front or the kids can be seated side-byside. Some of them also have the option of adding buggy boards that could help an older child keep up with younger siblings.

The Uppababy Vista V2 can be transformed into a twin-sized pushchair by purchasing additional cocoons at PS59 each. These cocoons provide an open space for infants. They can be swiveled together or placed on top of each other. You can also use the car seat that was included with the pushchair, in the event that it is compatible. Because they're made from high-quality materials, these types of buggies with dual-use capabilities can be used for many years without showing much wear, meaning they have the highest potential for resale.


This compact double buggy was designed for outdoor-loving family who are looking to upgrade from an individual-stroller. It can be transformed into a jogger with a kit that includes air-filled tires and all-wheel suspension. It can also withstand rough terrain well and is a tandem triple is suitable for twins or children of different ages. It's also a great choice for parents who want an elegant design that's just as sleek as a single and comes in a variety of colors for the fabric.

This iCandy model is very easy to fold using a one-handed system. It's also heavier than other single-to-double pushchairs in this review, home tester Karolina claimed that it is very maneuverable, even with two toddlers and a carrycot in it.

The seat can be used as a parent-facing, and you can also purchase additional accessories for this stroller like the Roma Gemini carrycots (PS100 each) which are great for babies. The seats are comfortable for toddlers, with high-quality headrests and lumbar supports. There are a variety of options for reclined seats with the front seat adjustable in different positions and the back seat having a reclining option.

This type of buggy comes with the main disadvantage of being a bit wider than doubles that are side-by-side. This makes it difficult to maneuver through doorways, and it can be difficult to move between kerbs. However, the wheels and suspension on these models generally perform well in coping with paved surfaces and the fact that they're usually much lighter than some of the side-by-sides, means you still find plenty of storage space. These strollers aren't easy to maneuver around supermarkets with narrow aisles, and they may struggle to carry a lot. It's a bit easier to turn them around on the smallest of curved paths but it can be difficult to turn them around on a straight path. Some are easier to turn than other, such as the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double or Baby Trend Sit N' Stand Double.


The best thing about convertible double pushchairs is the ability to adapt to changing family requirements. They often start out as single buggies, but come with adapters to add the second seat, a carrycot or (in some instances) an automobile seat to the frame. Some of them can be converted back to a single as your child gets older and starts to walk more or prefers to ride on a buggy board.

One of the most lightweight double strollers on our list, this sleek tri-fold model can hold children up to 40lbs each and features an easy-to-use basket between the seats for storage. The spacious canopy with a peekaboo window, multi-position reclining seats as well as front and back suspensions to ensure smoother rides on rough terrain were well-loved by the home testers. It also has a convenient parent cup holder and an ample accessible, easily accessible basket. However, they noticed that the backs of the seats have tiny pockets that aren't large enough to accommodate anything more than a smartphone and keys.

This high-end, lightweight side-by-side is available in more than 20 configurations. It also comes with a second seat and carrycot. It has a distinctive steering handlebar, rear and front suspensions to smooth rough terrain, an ultra-compact fold that can be folded up with straps for easy transport, and seven-inch front wheels with swivel locks, and 10 inches back wheels with suspensions for more comfortable riding. The only downside is that you'll have to purchase a separate car seat or baby carrier.

This versatile tandem is a top pick by our home testers due to its easy-to-maneuver size and impressively large shopping basket, which can be accessed with both seats facing towards the parent. It is easy to move around due to its low weight (about the same as a few single pushchairs). Its reversible seats mean that you can flip them to face either way, and the clever method by which it can attach an additional seat or riding board to the rear is appreciated by many. Parents also appreciated the fact that it could accommodate infant car seats and carriers from various brands, including those which aren't usually fit in other double buggies.
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